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The costs of psychotherapy can be reimbursed by your private health insurance (same with Freie Heilfürsorge and Beihilfe) . In most cases, the costs of a treatment are covered in full. However, there can be exceptions depeding on your individual insurance contract. I recommend that you check in with your insurance company in advance.


In line with the fee schedule for psychotherapists (GOP) the fee for a psychotherapeutic session (50 minutes) in English is 153,00 (GOP 870, 3,5x).


You can always pay for the costs of the psychotherapy yourself. The therapy can thus start right away. Your health insurance will not know anything about the treatment.


In line with the fee schedule for psychotherapists (GOP) the fee for a psychotherapeutic session (50 minutes) in English is €153,00 (GOP 870, 3,5x).


There is a possibility of getting therapy costs covered by statutory health insurance companies (like Techniker Krankenkasse, Barmer, DAK, AOK etc.)  in a private practice. Statutory health insurance companies are legally obliged according to § 13 Para. 3 SGB V to provide you with a  psychotherapeutic treatment within an acceptable waiting period. If you can't be offered a health care provider in a timely manner despite you looking for a statutory health insurance contract partner, you might have the possibility of providing the necessary treatment yourself (for example by contacting a private practice). Despite legal obligations, not all statutory health insurance companies agree to cost reimbursement. I recommend that you contact your statutory health insurance company before an initial consultation and ask them about a "Kostenerstattungsverfahren".







Psychological counseling is not covered  by of statutory and private health insurance companies.


The fee for psychological counseling (50 minutes) in English is €165 (incl. VAT).

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